CycleWilmslow was formed in 2009 to supersede MaccBUG (Macclesfield Borough Cycling Campaign) which was formed in 1999.
It is a non-political community organisation campaigning for better cycling provision in Wilmslow, Handforth, Alderley Edge, Styal and Morley.
It forms part of the Cheshire East Cycling Campaign (CECC) umbrella group.
Campaigns include:
- Better cycle parking in Wilmslow town centre and district centres.
- Improved cycling provision for Wilmslow High School and other schools.
- Bypassing the 81 steps on the cycle route from Wilmslow to Dean Row.
Development of a route through The Carrs to Styal and Manchester Airport. - An off-highway link to the Carrs from Lacey Green.
- Extension of the cycle path alongside the A538 near Morley.
- Improvements to the Kings Arms roundabout.
- National Standard cycle training provision at Wilmslow area schools.
We’d welcome other ideas and suggestions.
Here is our constitution:- cyclewilmslowconstitution.pdf